M E C C facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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As the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) believes that such difficult times strengthen the ecumenical spirit and spread hope and faith, it has decided to positively adapt to the situation imposed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Thus, it has set goals to achieve during this period along with clear deadlines, and conducts regular follow-ups to evaluate the progress made.

The MECC team is determined to continue working remotely and virtually -due to the enforced quarantine measures as all team members are working from home- and stay connected online on an unprecedented scale, through regular virtual meetings and video calls. 

Even though it might not be easy - since the team is used to work daily in the same office, to have lunch together and solve problems by discussing issues on the spot - each team member is trying to do his/her part to make this work and overcome these hard times, through cooperation, solidarity and most importantly, prayer.


A Time for Pastoral, Prophetic and Practical Christianity: A Joint Statement from the World Council of Churches and Regional Ecumenical Organizations


DSPR report on Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Middle East