MECC Supporting a Vital Sector in Dara’a Governorate

MECC supported workers in the dairy industry – cattle raising and dairy production, processing and retail - in nine different areas in Dara’a Governorate.
The livestock project targeted 460 families. MECC distributed 2 tons of fortified fodder and 20 liter-stainless steel milk containers to 400 breeders who own 900 cows.
The project also consisted of establishing 4 mobile veterinary clinics in addition to the four clinics established last year within the sheep breeders support program. These clinics provide all required medical services for livestock farmers including cattle medication, vaccines, and artificial insemination.
Beneficiaries also attended a training on cattle breeding methods, potential diseases and treatments as well as optimal feeding to improve the quality and increase the quantity of milk.
In addition, dairy processors received necessary dairy processing equipment, such as milk shake machines, storage containers and empty gas canisters. Retailers also got refrigerators to store and sell products in their shops.
Moreover, dairy processors and retailers attended a training that focused on basic marketing skills and milk production in accordance with HACCP standards and guidelines.
By supporting the vital sector of milk and dairy production, processing and retail, this MECC program aimed at empowering poor families in Dara’a Governorate to overcome their difficult living conditions, improve their employability and thus, provide for their families and participate in the economic life.