Video: Dr Souraya Bechealany, MECC Secretary General, the 14th of May 2020 will be a Global Day dedicated for Prayer and Fasting;

the MECC is entrusted with the task of ensuring that prayer is accompanied by words and deeds

In the following video: Dr Souraya Bechealany, the Middle East Council of Churches’ Secretary General, was the guest of a program broadcasted on OTV and entitled “Yawm Jadid”, which means in English “New Day”. During the online interview on Skype, Bechealany highlighted the joint appeal issued by 17 Lebanese faith-based organizations, in response to the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s latest initiative, launched under the patronage of his Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb.

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Dr Souraya Bechealany, MECC Secretary General: the 14th of May 2020 will be a Global Day dedicated for Prayer and Fasting;