United in Prayer - Feast of St. Hagop of Nisibis (James) Armenian Orthodox Church, 17 December 2022

Make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch (Genesis 6: 14)

“The heavenly hosts rejoiced at the greatness of your feats by which you in the flesh became like the angels on high; we have you as intercessor for us before the Father in heaven. And we with a joyful voice celebrate your holy memory, O venerable witness of Christ, holy father James; we have you as intercessory for us before the Father in heaven. You decided on severe toils to see Noah’s Ark and from the angel’s hand received a portion of the wood which served the human race as salvation; we have you as intercessor for us before the Father in heaven.” (Canon to St. Jacob, Bishop of Nisibis, from the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Church)


United in Prayer - Maranatha, 18 December 2022


United in Prayer - Maranatha, 17 December 2022