From the MECC Archive: What Did the Minutes of the Council’s 11th General Assembly Include?

Our ecumenical journey towards the 12th General Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches, which will be held between 16 and 20 May 2022 with the generous hospitality of His Holiness Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark Pope Tawadros II, in Cairo, Egypt, under the title of “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27), has started. Thus, we will shed light accordingly on stages, excerpts, speeches, publications and photos from the previous MECC General Assemblies.

You can find below the detailed minutes of the MECC 11th General Assembly, held between 6 and 8 September 2016 in Amman, Jordan, under the title of “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 136: 1).

Minutes of the Meeting

The First Day: September 6th, 2016

The Opening Session:

The sessions of the eleventh General Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches were convened at nine thirty of the morning of Tuesday the sixth of September 2016 at Le Royal Hotel in Amman – Jordan. The session started with the Royal Anthem of Jordan (National Anthem) and the prayer that was recited by the Orthodox Church and presided by His Beatitude the Patriarch Theophilos III. Welcoming and greetings notes were, then, addressed by the acting General Secretary Father Doctor Michel Jalakh, and by the Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude the Patriarch Theophilos III, who hosted the assembly and the presidents of the Council: His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, President of the Oriental Orthodox Family, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, President of the Orthodox family, His Beatitude Mar Ignatius Youssef III Younan, President of the Catholic Family, and His Grace Bishop Dr. MunibYounan, President of the Evangelical Family.

Greetings notes were then addressed by heads of the churches and delegations. The Archbishop Alberto Ortega Martin, the Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan and Iraq, addressed the message of His Holiness Pope Francis, followed by the message of his All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, which was addressed by the Metropolitan Benedict of Philadelphia.

The Quorum and the drafting of the report:

After a short break, the session related to administrative issues started, presided by His Beatitude the Patriarch Theophilos III; and after the Acting General Secretary made the calling on all members, and when it was ascertained that all official delegations were present, and the legal quorum was provided, the opening of the Council’s eleventh General Assembly works was then declared. The assembly’s committees were then nominated, the credentials committee members were selected, and the nomination of the following committees was also done: The Administrative committee of the eleventh General Assembly, the nominating committee, the closing report drafting committee, and the media and journalism. The credentials committee has ascertained the legality of this assembly after reviewing the documents and papers related to the nomination of the delegations, and that, according to the essential and internal system of the Council. The working agenda was then declared after it has been distributed among the participants.

The list of the delegates of the Churches who have the right to vote:


1.     Armenian Apostolic Church of Cilicia

  • His Holiness Catholicos Aram I (President)  - Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Cilicia

  • His Beatitude Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian

  • His Eminence Bishop Nazareth Sarkissian

  • Very Reverend Father Mahir (Housig) Mardirossian

  • Dr. Jean Salmanian


2.     Coptic Orthodox Church

  • His Holiness Pope Tawadros II - Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Sea of St. Mark of the Coptic Orthodox Church

  • His Excellency Metropolitan Anba Benyamin

  • His Excellency Metropolitan Anba Bishoy

  • His Grace Bishop Anba Antonios

  • His Grace Bishop Anba Thomas

  • Mr. Gergis Ibrahim Saleh

3.     Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch

  • His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II - Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch

  • His Eminence Bishop Clemis Daniel Kourieh

  • His Eminence Bishop Boulos Safar

  • His Eminence Bishop Theophilos George Saliba

  • Ms. KhanemYaaKoub Mrani



1.     Orthodox Church of Jerusalem

  • His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III (President) - Patriarch of Jerusalem for the Greek Orthodox Church

  • His Eminence Bishop Philomenos

  • His Eminence Bishop Aristarchos

  • Ms. Wafa Goussous


2.     Orthodox Church of Alexandria

  • His Beatitude Patriarch Threodoros II - Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa for the Greek Orthodox Church

  • His Eminence Bishop Nicolaos Antoniou

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Gammoh Samer Narkissos

  • Reverend Father Papaevripiades Athinodoros


3.     Orthodox Church of Antioch

  • His Beatitude Patriarch Youhanna X - Patriarch of Antioch and All The East for the Greek Orthodox Church

  • His Eminence Bishop Costa Kayal

  • Reverend Archemandrite Alexi Shehade

  • Professor Dr. Michel Abs

4.     Orthodox Church of Cyprus

  • His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II - Archbishop of Nova Justiniana and All Cyprus

  • His Eminence Bishop Xiouri Nikolaos

  • Reverend Father Ioannis Nicolaou

  • Deacon Kyprianos Kountouris

  • Mr. Michael Spyrou



1.     Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan

His Grace Bishop Dr. Munib Younan (President) - Bishop of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Jordan and the Holy Land


2.     Coptic Evangelical Church - Synod of the Nile

  • Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki - President of the Coptic Evangelical Community of Egypt

  • Reverend Dr. Kamal Youssef

  • Reverend Rifaat Fathi

  • Reverend Dr. George Shaker


3.     National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon

  • Reverend Dr. Joseph Kassab - President of the Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon

  • Reverend Fadi Dagher

  • Reverend Boutros Zaour


4.     Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East

  • Reverend Megerditch Karagozian - President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East

  • Reverend Haroutioun Selimian (Salim)

  • Mrs. Shake Geotcherian Jackson


5.     National Evangelical Union of Lebanon

Reverend Dr. Habib Badr - Senior Pastor of the National Evangelical Church of Beirut


6.     Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East

  • The Most Reverend Archbishop Suheil Dawani - Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Jerusalem

  • His Eminence Bishop Michael Lewis

  • Right Reverend Bishop Azad Marshall   


7.     National Evangelical Church in Kuwait

Reverend Emmanuel Ghareeb - Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Kuwait



1.     Maronite Church of Antioch

  • His Excellency Archbishop Paul Sayyah

  • His Eminence Bishop Joe Mouawad

  • His Eminence Bishop Moussa Hage

2.     Greek Catholic Melkite Church of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem

  • His Beatitude Gregorios III Lahham - Patriarch of Antioch for the Greek Catholic Melkite Church

  • His Eminence Bishop Kyrillos Selim Bustros

  • Mr. Ibrahim Traboulsi


3.     Armenian Catholic Church of Cilicia

  • His Beatitude Krikor Bedros XX - Patriarch of the Armenian Catholic Church of Cilicia

  • His Eminence Bishop Boutros Marayati


4.     Syriac Catholic Church of Antioch

  • His Beatitude Mar Ignatius Youssef III Younan (President) - Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Syriac Catholic Church

  • Reverend Father Habib Mrad


5.     Coptic Catholic Church

  • His Beatitude Patriarch Ibrahim Ishaq Sedrak - Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria

  • His Eminence Bishop Anba Kyrillos William


6.     Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

  • His Beatitude Fouad Twal - Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

  • Ms. Lina Musharbash


7.     Chaldean Catholic Church

  • His Beatitude Mar Louis Raphael Sako       

  • His Eminence Bishop Michel Kasarji

  • Deacon Raphael Koupaly


The committees of the General Assembly:

Upon the decisions of the preparatory committee of the General Assembly, and which was delegated by the Executive Committee to undertake the preparations for the eleventh assembly, the names constituting the committees of the General Assembly were suggested.

After the discussions, the General Assembly acknowledged the formation of the committees as follows:

1.     Credentials Committee (Four members):

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Yostinos Boulos Safar - The Oriental Orthodox Family

  • Reverend Father Ioannis Nicolaou - The Orthodox Family

  • Right Reverend Amanuel Ghareeb - The Evangelical Family

  • Maitre Ibrahim Traboulsi -  The Catholic Family


2.     The General Assembly’s Administration Committee (16 members):

a)     Presidents of the Council:

  • His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, President of the Oriental Orthodox Family.

  • His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, President of the Orthodox family.

  • His Beatitude Mar Ignatius Youssef III Younan, President of the Catholic Family.

  • His Grace Bishop Dr. Munib Younan, President of the Evangelical Family


b)    Two members from each family according to the following:

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Theophilos George Saliba and Doctor Jean Salmanian - Oriental Orthodox Family.

  • His Grace Bishop Costa Kayal and his Eminence Metropolitan Gammoh Samer Narkissos - Orthodox family.

  • Reverend Refat Fathi and Right Reverend Dr. Habib Badr - Evangelical Family.

  • His Eminence Bishop Boutros Marayati and Maitre Ibrahim Traboulsi – Catholic Family.

In addition to the Acting General Secretary Reverend Father Michel Jalakh and the participating general secretaries Doctor Elias Halabi, Reverend Jimmy Danho, and Mr. Shaher Luka.

These conveners shall suggest on the General Assembly the names of representatives of the present members of the churches’ families; one member from each family, in order to accept their integration in the membership of the Administration committee.

3.     The Drafting Committee of the Closing Report (8 members):

Two members from each family as follows:

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Theophilos George Saliba and Doctor Jean Salmanian - the Oriental Orthodox Family

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Aristarchos and Professor Michel Abs -The Orthodox Family

  • Right Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki and Reverend Dr. Kamal Youssef - The Evangelical Family

  • His Excellency Bishop Moussa Hage and Reverend Father Habib Mrad -  The Catholic Family


4.     The Committee of Journalism and Media (4 members):

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Benyamin - The Oriental Orthodox Family

  • Ms. Wafa Goussous - The Orthodox Family

  • Reverend Boutros Zaour - The Evangelical Family

  • Ms. Lina Musharbash - The Catholic Family


5.     The nomination committee (16 members):

Four members from each family as follows:

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Bishoy, His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Clemis Daniel Kourieh, his Eminence Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, and Mr. Gergis Ibrahim Saleh - The Oriental Orthodox Family

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolaos Antoniou, his Eminence Metropolitan Philomenos, Reverend Archimandrite Alexi Chehadeh, and Mr. Micheal Spyrou - The Orthodox Family

  • His Eminence Archbishop Suheil Dawani, Reverend Fadi Dagher, Reverend Dr. George Shaker, and Mrs. Shaka Kourjyan Jackson - The Evangelical Family

  • His Excellency Archbishop Paul Sayah, his Excellency Archbishop Kyrillos Selim Bustros, his Eminence Bishop Anba Kyrillos William, and his Excellency Archbishop Michel Kassarji - The Catholic Family

The Nomination for the position of General Secretary:

It is generally done through elections in closed session, by a secret proposal, and with the majority of votes for a period of four years that can be renewable for one term.


The Report of the General Secretary:

After taking the commemorative picture of the assembly’s meeting, and after the lunch and break, the session to discuss the report of the General Secretary was initiated, presided by His Beatitude Mor Ignatius Youssef III Younan. The Father Doctor Michel Jalakh, the Acting General Secretary, submitted his report to the General Assembly.

He discussed the facts of the tenth General Assembly in 2011 and of the eleventh General Assembly in 2016 regarding several issues such as: the administration and the finance, the activities, the media, the communication and connection, and the services’ programs; throughout which, he mentioned the principal stages, the internal difficulties, the external challenges and the aspirations. He also pointed out the nature of the Council and its continuance.

At the end of the report’s presentation, Father Doctor Michel Jalakh expressed gratitude to the Council’s presidents for the support they offered the Council and him personally; to the Church of Cyprus represented by His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II who hosted eight general assemblies out of eleven, and all who have accompanied the Council, and participated under several titles, in the Council’s continuous journey. He also expressed gratitude to the previous general secretaries, especially to his Eminence the Archbishop Boulos Rouhana for his care and support, and Professor Gerges Saleh for his help in all the pending issues whatsoever and in the preparations for this assembly. He also gave thanks to the team of the internal Council especially the honorary treasurer the Right Reverend Dr. Habib Badr, to the participating general secretaries: Dr. Elias Halabi, Reverend Jimmy Danho, Professor Shaher Louka, as well as to the directors of the departments: Mrs. Hadishian, Engineer Samer Laham and especially Ms. Wafa Goussous who prepared for this assembly along her team and the several employees and volunteers who were supportive and trustworthy. He also praised the Core Group’s committee that accompanied the Council in its most difficult stages.

In the discussion session of the report, presided by His Beatitude Mor Ignatius Youssef III Younan, participants in the General Assembly have praised the report of the Acting General Secretary.

After the discussion of the report, greetings and salutations were read by the guests and the churches partisans and delegates and the ecumenical Councils…

After reciting the letters, participants gathered for an official dinner, hosted by His Beatitude the Patriarch Theophilos III, and in the presence of his Highness the Prince Ghazi Ben Mohamad.


The second day: September 7th, 2016

Sessions of Wednesday began after reciting the Morning Prayer led by the Evangelical Family Churches.


After the prayer, the session of a series of seminars kicked-off, presided by his Holiness Catholicos Aram I. As the principal interlocutor in the session, his Holiness delivered his speech related to “The challenges that Christian Churches are facing in the Middle East” for twenty minutes.

After the speech of his Holiness, the speeches of other interlocutors succeeded as follows:

-  First speaker – His Excellency the Minister Akl Beltaji about: “The message of Christians in the Middle east and their role on both, the national and international levels”. (ten minutes)

-  Second Speaker - His Excellency the Minister Nabila Makram Abdel Shahid about: “The cooperation with the churches of the west and the ways to communicate with emigrants and communities in diaspora” (ten minutes)

-  Third Speaker – Father Professor Fadi Daou about: “the Islamic-Christian relationships in the context of the current political challenges” (ten minutes).


After the break, the workshops session was convened, presided by his Holiness Catholicos Aram I. The aim of this workshops session was to nominate committees concerning several fields, each committee consisting of a president and members, set to discuss agendas in order to reach recommendations. The participants were distributed to the following working committees:

- First working group: The general strategy of the Council and the related activities

  • Ms. Josefina Forcadilla

  • Ms. Berit Hagen Agøy

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Xiouri Nikolaos

  • Rev. Father Ioannis Nicolaou

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Clemis Daniel Kourieh

  • His Grace Bishop Costa Kayal

  • Mr. Josh McCormick

  • Mr. Michel Nseir

  • Ms. Shaka Koujryan Jackson

  • Prof. Michel Abs

  • Reverend Fadi Dagher

  • Mr. Samer Laham

  • Mr. Kenny Roger

  • Rev. Scott Parker

  • Rev. Feije Duim

  • Dr. Elias Halabi

  • Rev. Mrs. Karin Van Den Broeke


- Second working group: Ecumenical Dialogue and Work

  • His Eminence Bishop Anba Thomas

  • His Eminence Bishop Michael Lewis

  • His Eminence Bishop Boulos Rouhana

  • Rev. Christopher Ferguson

  • Rev. Canon Dr. Jim Winkler

  • Rev. Father Habib Mrad

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Yostinos Boulos Safar

  • His Eminence Bishop Joseph Mouawad

  • Dr. Isabel Phiri

  • Father Jimmy Danho

  • Ms. Khanem Mrani

  • Reverend Boutros Zaour

  • Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour

  • Mrs. Rosangela Jarjour

  • Mr. Shaher Luka

  • Right Rev. Father Housig Mardirossian

  • His Eminence Bishop Boutros Marayati


- Third working group: The Christian-Islamic relationships

  • Rev. Archimandrite Alexi Chehadeh

  • His Eminence Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian

  • His Eminence Bishop Nazaret Sarkissian

  • Reverend Archdeacon Bill Schwartz

  • Dr. Jean Salmanian

  • Rev. Erik Åpelgardh

  • Mr. Gergis Ibrahim Saleh

  • His Excellency Archbishop Kyrillos Selim Bustros

  • Mr. Michael Spyrou

  • Rev. Refat Fathi

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Bishoy


- Fourth working group: Communication and media.

  • Maître Ibrahim Traboulsi

  • Father Rifat Bader

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Theophilos George Saliba

  • Mrs. Liz Anne McCormick

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Benyamin

  • Ms. Lina Musharbash

  • Rev. Dr. George Shaker


It is to be noted that a committee pertaining to administration and finance was supposed to be nominated; but since none of the participants was keen to participate in such a committee, it was not created after all.

As the working groups continued their work, the General Assembly had bilateral and multilateral special meetings of the Heads of Delegations.

Meanwhile, the committee of the closing report convened to discuss the report’s draft. After a short break, discussions were undertaken concerning the first draft of the closing and final report in a session that was presided by His Grace the Bishop Dr. Munib Younan.

After the first discussion of the final report’s draft, the assembly attended the meetings where the other greeting letters from the guests and partisans, and the ecumenical Council were delivered.

After the end of the sessions of the second day, His Majesty King Abdullah II received the Heads of Delegations at the Royal Court.


The third day: September 8th, 2016:

Sessions of Thursday began with the Morning Prayer recited and led by the Oriental Orthodox Family Churches. After the prayer, the session to deliver the reports of the working groups started, presided by His Grace the Bishop Dr. Munib Younan.

Reports of the working groups:

The General Assembly listened to the working groups’ reports as follows:


- The Report of the First Working Group: The General Strategy of the Council and the Related Activities:

- The Report of the Second Working Group: Dialogue and Ecumenical Work:

- The Report of the Third Working Group: Christian-Muslim Relations:

1)      The committee has noted some fallacies in the working agenda:  it was not precise enough, unaccepted by the majority of the members. We cite as an example: the word “fusion” or “union” under the subject of “the present challenges”.

2)      The committee did not accept most of what was mentioned in the introduction vis-à-vis the religious and theological issues: as owning the truth (number two in the document), and the dialogue between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (number four in the document).

3)      No relationship can exist between Christians and Muslims if one of them refuses the existence of the other and refuses that the other is different (than oneself).

4)      Failing to refer or go back to the religious texts or references as a basis for building right citizenship relationships.

5)      Absence of the freedom of religion that allows the person to choose the religion he/she believes in.

6)      The unclear concept of the citizenship in the minds of lots of people.

7)      We were looking up for the annex under the title “Questions in the dialogue”; it is missing.

8)      Concentrating on the citizenship that nurtures diversity, and on the social responsibility of the religions.

9)      Concentrating on the mutual values between the Christianity and Islam.

10)    Defining the diversity and the mutual respect that give right for the integrative diversity.

11)    Promoting the religious culture throughout the diverse conferences and committees.

12)    Contributing in establishing a media tool to publish the principles of the dialogue that needs patience and perseverance.

13)    The contribution of the State to achieve equality on all its territories and for its citizens, under the umbrella of the Law.

14)    Benefiting from the previous dialogue experiences.

15)    Speaking one idea and one language in the framework of the Christian-Islamic dialogue.

16)    The social integration between the citizens as a support for the politics of a State that enhances the dialogue between its citizens, a dialogue based on the mutual respect.


- The Report of the Fourth Working Group: Communication and Media:

The Communication and Media Committee, constituted of Attorney in Law Ibrahim Traboulsi, the Reverend Father Rifaat Badr, his Eminence Bishop Theophilos George Saliba, Mrs. Liz McCormick, his Excellency Metropolitan Anba Benyamin, Reverend Dr. George Shaker, and presided by Ms. Lina Musharbash, has convened and recommended the following:

1.     Re-establish the division of media and communication that was previously established by the council, and that has the following duties:

- First: Work on creating and promoting the Media agency related to the council, throughout promoting the electronic website related to the latter and to its activities.

- Second: Work on developing the social media sites and advertise for them, through the different available means in the churches that are members in the Middle East Council of Churches.

- Third: Establish a network of serious and reliable practical cooperation with the media centers pertaining to the churches, members of the council.

- Fourth: Cooperate with the local national, regional, and international public media, in order to publish what the council issues of documents and standpoints, and in order to clarify and publish the church’s opinion from both, the Christian and the public point of view.

- Fifth: Produce documentary, cinematographic, religious, and media movies concerning the Christian heritage and concerning the churches, members of the council.

- Sixth:  Gladly resume the issuing of Al Mountada magazine; recommending its continuity and its support from the churches that are members in the council.

- Seventh: Educate the Christian societies and raise awareness for them to benefit from the several available media whether electronically, written or audio-visual; as well as incite the latter to use those media in the right moral and decent way and in the Christian cultural spirit as well as the ecumenical spirit.

- Eighth: Make Christian cartoon movies and films in order to raise the children’s culture, and to bring out the faithful ecumenical education.

- Ninth:  The importance of issuing a booklet in the three languages (Arabic, English, French), to introduce the council, its system, its divisions, its committees, and its activities.

- Tenth:  Monitor and archive all what is being broadcasted or published concerning the churches of the Middle East and study them and, when necessary, adequately reply to them.

- Eleventh: Establish seminars, dialogues, and conferences to raise awareness and develop the believers’ knowledge and enrich it.

- Twelfth: Give interest for women and youth in these fields.


Afterwards, the next session to discuss the final draft of the final statement started.

The Report of the Nominating Committee:

After a short break, a closed session presided by His Beatitude the Patriarch Theophilos III, was convened during which the assembly chose the presidents of the Council and the members of the Council’s Executive Committee and its followers and the General Secretary of the upcoming session for a four-years period from the date of the convening of the eleventh General Assembly meeting.  The General Assembly has decided to vote by show of hands; when the list was submitted for voting, it got the majority of the members of the General Assembly’s votes, and it came as follows:

First: The four presidents:

Representing the Oriental Orthodox Family: His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

Representing the Orthodox Family: His Beatitude Patriarch Youhanna X

Representing the Catholic Family: His Beatitude Mar Louis Raphael Sako

Representing the Evangelical Family: Senior Pastor Reverend Dr. Habib Badr


Second: The members of the Executive Committee:

From the Oriental Orthodox Family:

1.     His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Bishoy

2.     His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Benyamin

3.     His Eminence Metropolitan Mar Theophilos George Saliba

4.     His Eminence Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian

5.     Dr. Jean Salmanian


1.     Mr. Gergis Ibrahim Saleh



From the Orthodox Family:

1.     His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolaos Antoniou

2.     His Eminence Metropolitan Gammoh Samer Narkissos

3.     His Grace Bishop Costa Kayal

4.     Miss. Wafa Goussous

5.     Rev. Father Ioannis Nicolaou


1.     Prof. Michel Abs

2.     His Eminence Metropolitan Philomenos


For the Catholic Family:

1.     His Excellency Archbishop Paul Sayah

2.     His Excellency Archbishop Kyrillos Selim Bustros

3.     His Eminence Bishop Boutros Marayati

4.     His Eminence Bishop Anba Kyrillos William

5.     Rev. Father Habib Mrad


1.     Maître Ibrahim Traboulsi

2.     Rev. Father Rifaat Badr


For the Evangelical Family:

1.     His Grace Bishop Dr. Munib Younan

2.     His Eminence Archbishop Suheil Dawani

3.     Rev. Refat Fathi

4.     Right Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian

5.     Right Rev. Dr. Joseph Kassab


1.     Reverend Boutros Zaour

2.     Right Rev. Amanuel Ghareeb


Afterwards, the General Assembly was notified with the report of the nominating committee, which mentioned the selection of a candidate for the General Secretary position for the Middle East Council of Churches. The president of the committee suggested the name of Father Doctor Michel Jalakh; as for the voting, it was decided to be by secret ballot. When Father Doctor Michel Jalakh’s name was raised, he obtained fifty votes, with seven blank votes and two votes that were considered null.

Father Doctor Michel Jalakh was nominated then the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches for four-years term (Article three of the Council’s internal regulation system, Clause 5) and the session was adjourned.

At the end, and in an open session, the closing report, prepared by the drafting committee, was read. The presidents of the Council were commissioned to accept the report in its final draft. The names of presidents of the Council as well as the members of the Executive Committee and the General Secretary were declared.

The work of the General Assembly ended with the prayer recited by the Catholic Family.

After the lunch, the new members of the Executive Committee met to designate the time and location of their first meeting. The first appointment of the newly elected Executive Committee was set on the 16th and 17th of January 2017.


The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter in Antioch, February 22, the Beginnings of the Church from the East to all the World


Standing Together in Prayer