The MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs and the Director of the Jordan Office Father Ignatius Khalifeh Raises

Their Prayers at the Saint Elie Chouaya Monastery in Mount Lebanon and Meets With His Eminence Bishop Costantine Kayyal, the Head of the Monastery

A week after the inauguration of the new Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) office in Jordan with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Christoforos Atallah, the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Jordan, and President of the Council of Heads of Churches in Jordan, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel Abs and the new Director of the office in Jordan Father Ignatius Khalifeh, who visited Lebanon, continue their cooperation and coordination in order to enhance the work of the office in the Jordanian society. 

Within this path, Dr. Michel Abs and Father Ignatius Khalifeh visited the Greek Orthodox Saint Elie Chouaya Patriarchal Monastery in Lebanon, on Sunday 9 June 2024, where they participated in the Divine Liturgy presided over by His Eminence Bishop Costantine Kayyal, the Head of the Monastery, and prayed together on the intention of the new service in Jordan for the good of the Church and society. As well as, Father Ignatius participated in the Holy Service. 

Following the Prayer, they met with His Eminence and the believers who came to the Monastery to Pray, in a gathering of love and acquaintance. 


Video - The MECC team: Together On a Learning and Ecumenical Journey 


A Recital by the Fayha National Choir on the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Armenian National Sanatorium of Azounieh - Lebanon