Video - A story from Akkar, Lebanon

Developing Mr. Tony Makhoul’s Cow Farm with the Support of MECC

With the deterioration of difficult living conditions in Lebanon, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) seeks to support the Lebanese people in facing their daily challenges at various social and humanitarian levels. Hence, within the framework of the support provided by the Middle East Council of Churches in various Lebanese regions, the MECC Diakonia and Social Service Department, Lebanon’s Office, launched a business development program through supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Akkar region, in order to help the owners of these businesses secure their long-term sustainability.

In the video, Mr. Tony Makhoul, owner of a cow farm in Akkar, and his son Tony, describe the mechanism of the farm’s work, in addition to the contribution of the Middle East Council of Churches program in developing this project and thus increasing the rate of production.


Video - A story from Akkar, Lebanon


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