Video – Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs Highlights the Fiftieth Year of the MECC Founding On Suboro TV 

The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs was the guest of “Kel Yom Byomo” (“Each Day by Day”) program, on Suboro TV, to talk about the most prominent activities of the Middle East Council of Churches, especially the program of events that it is holding on the occasion of the Fiftieth Year of its Founding. 

During the interview, which you can watch it in the video, Dr. Abs shed light on the Ecumenical, Theological, humanitarian and media activities of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), in addition to the Ecumenical media meeting that it organizing in order to strengthen its mission as a unifying platform for various Church Families in the Middle East. 


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