Season of Creation 2024: To hope and act with Creation 

What Are the Meanings of the Season’s Theme for This Year? 

The Middle East Council of Churches 


In preparation for celebrating the “Season of Creation” around the world between September 1 and October 4 of each year, the Ecumenical Steering Committee for the Season proposes each year a theme for this Ecumenical and environmental station. This year, the committee chose the theme “To hope and act with Creation” and the symbol is “The firstfruits of hope”, inspired by the Epistle to the Romans 8: 19-25. So. what are the meanings of this theme? 

The 2024 “Season of Creation” guide explains that the Biblical image “Creation is groaning in the pains of childbirth” (Romans 8:22) pictures the Earth as a mother, groaning as in childbirth. The times we live in show that we are not relating to the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used. Saint Francis of Assisi understood this when he referred to the Earth as our sister and our mother in his Canticle of Creatures. How can Mother Earth look after us if we do not look after her? Creation is groaning because of our selfishness and the unsustainable actions that harm her. 

The guide adds that “along with our Sister, Mother Earth, creatures of all kinds, including humans, cry out because of the consequences of our destructive actions causing climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, and human suffering as well as Creation’s suffering.” 

However, hope has become essential with the expectation of a better future. To hope in a Biblical context “does not mean to stand still and quiet, but rather groaning, crying, and actively striving for new life amidst the struggles. Just as in childbirth, we go through a period of intense pain, but new life is coming forth.” 

On the other hand, the “Season of Creation” guide emphasizes the Biblical verse “Creation is standing on tiptoe waiting for the children of God to be revealed” (Romans 8: 19). It stresses that the creation and all of us are called to worship the Creator, working together for a future of active hope and action. Only when we work together with Creation can the firstfruits of hope be born. Pauline theology reminds us that both Creation and humanity are conceived from the beginning in Christ and, therefore, are entrusted to each other. 

Hence, the guide indicates that “Creation is standing on tiptoe waiting for the manifestation of the children of God! The children of God are those who stretch up their hands towards the Creator, recognizing themselves as humble creatures, to praise and respect God, and at the same time to love, respect, care for, and learn from God’s gift of Creation. Creation is not given to humanity to use and abuse, rather, humanity is created as part of Creation. More than a common home, Creation is also a cosmic family that calls us to act responsibly. This is how the children of God have an intrinsic vocation and an important role to play in the manifestation of the kingdom of justice (cf. Romans 8:19).” 

So, let us cling to hope and come together in Prayer and work to protect our common home. As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share a common call to care for Creation. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made. Our well-being is interwoven with the well-being of the Earth. 


Arabic Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024

English Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024


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