Secretary-General's Television Interview with the Archbishop's Aparchi TV Station

As part of his visit to the residence of His Beatitude the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, the Secretary-General of the Middle East Council of Churches, Dr. Michel Abs, met with the team of the Archbishop's Aparchi TV Station. He gave a lengthy interview in which he spoke about the ecumenical movement, the Council—its identity, programs, and aspirations—as well as the Council's relationship with the churches and the role of church councils in uniting churches at both regional and international levels.

In this context, the Secretary-General refuted many preconceptions about the churches and the ecumenical movement, unequivocally explaining their positive role and respect for the specificity, independence, identity, history, and heritage of the member churches.

The recording is currently being edited and will be published at a later date.


Secretary General attends Vespers at the Holy Monastery of Pendeli in Greece


The Secretary-General of the Middle East Council of Churches Meets with the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece