Middle East Council of Churches

Its Journey and Path in Its Fiftieth Year (2)

Second part of the speech delivered by the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel E. Abs at the celebration held on the occasion of the Fiftieth Year of the Founding of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), on Saturday 14 September 2024, at the New Papal Headquarters in Anba Royce, under the patronage, blessings, and presence of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, and in the presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Bishop Anba Ibrahim Ishak, Coptic Catholic Patriarch, Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki, President of the Evangelical Community in Egypt, representatives of various Churches, Reverend Yachouh Ayoub, the Secretary General of the Egyptian Council of Churches, Honorary and Associate Secretaries, Fathers Priests and Pastors, Nun Sisters, personalities and invitees.

Dr. Michel E. Abs

Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)

Vision and Aspirations for the Next Phase

The foundations of today's approach to planning and managing the affairs of the MECC center on the belief that it deserves and requires a long-term organizational structure and organizational culture. Therefore, it must be approached from a long-term perspective, not a temporary one, with a view toward the continuity of the team and the consolidation of its organizational culture.

The organizational structure, including procedural texts and culture, is the cornerstone of a long-term organization that can assume the tasks as defined in the Constitution and operate as stipulated in the Bylaws.

In the past, this was not adequately recognized, and the Middle East Council of Churches went through a cultural vacuum. A significant number of its team left the institution during a difficult stage in its history. When people leave, they take part of the culture with them because it is an interactive compound.

In the same methodological-strategic context, the Middle East Council of Churches applies scientific methods in its organizational development to achieve the optimal performance required of it. Therefore, we are applying the basic principles and rules for the Organizational Development (OD) and leadership skills that are contained in the science of organization and management.

Here, it must be clarified that within the Council, we apply the academic model of internal compatibility and cohesion at the level of the work team, in addition to the requirements of an organization that is reconciled with its environment and in constant interaction with it.

The best way to align the MECC with its environment, in the perspective of change based on its vision, values, and principles, lies in the active and effective adaptation of the Council to its surroundings to carry out social and cultural changes. The Council has been and will continue to be an instrument of socio-cultural change, but it must become increasingly aware of the characteristics of Middle Eastern societies to be able to effect change.

Here, it is necessary to ask key questions to improve performance, related to the renewal of strategic goals and work methods. These questions are challenges that we address in our daily work.

As for the image of the Council, it has historically proven to be a very successful and effective organization in the field of social development and work programs concerning women, family, youth, refugees, and other vulnerable groups in society. Although it deals with many additional social service issues, it holds the identity of a development institution, in addition to being a means of financing in this field.

Here, we must make it clear that the Council is not just a "funding channel." It is an organization that thinks and analyzes issues at the community level and has an opinion on what is happening in society. This is what we have been focusing on since the beginning of my service in the General Secretariat in 2020.

Four-Year Strategic Framework 2021-2025

In March-April 2021, a four-year strategic framework was developed to guide the Council's activities for the period 2021-2025. It was endorsed by the Executive Committee and welcomed by partners at a subsequent meeting. We chose to work within a "strategic framework" rather than a "strategic plan" to ensure flexibility of implementation in an unstable region.

The framework included four strategic objectives that guided the work and thinking of the MECC:

  1. Cornerstone: Strengthening the MECC’s organizational structure and corporate culture.

  2. Rehabilitation of Social Capital, Value System, and Human Dignity.

  3. Strengthening and Developing the Christian Presence in the Middle East.

  4. Supporting Vulnerable Groups, with a focus on youth, women, rural populations, migrants, and refugees.

In working within this framework, we have been keen to maintain the following dimensions for the proper functioning, coherence, and harmony of the four-year framework and with the Council community:

  1. Ecumenical Relations and Prayers.

  2. Ecumenical and Social Synergy and Networking.

  3. Intellectual Openness and Development.

  4. Organizational and Administrative Development.

These elements formed the basis for the Council's approach to its work throughout this previous period.

Strategic Directions for the Future

The strategic directions of the Council, which will be the starting point for developing a future strategic framework, are summarized in the following two main sections:

1. Business as Usual Continues with Renewal

We will continue what has proven for decades to be beneficial to society and the Church. Given the prevailing situation in the MENA region, the pattern of needs is recurring and expanding. This includes social service, work with refugees, theology and ecumenical relations, youth leadership development, family and women's protection, intellectual seminars, and other ongoing activities. Additionally, we aim to serve new target groups and new areas of service with a vision of renewal and modernization—that is, by new means.

The technical expertise of the team is high, and they are highly qualified to accomplish all this at the same level of performance we are currently witnessing. This performance is considered by international partners, both ecumenical and non-religious, to be the highest in the region.

In the same context, at the internal level, organizational capacity building and the implementation of new procedures approved by the MECC’s authorities will continue, accompanied by training and targeting the development of leadership skills within the work team.

2. Vision in the Medium and Long Term

This includes key dimensions in the development of ecumenical work:

  • Follow-up and Development of Church Networking Activities: In light of the successful ATIME experience, we will gradually extend this networking to all church activities, as we have initiated at the level of ecumenical communication and development bodies of the churches.

  • Strengthening the Council's Position as a Knowledge Society: We aim to develop intellectual and research production in the field of ecumenism and other pressing social issues.

  • Enhancing the Council's Role as a Platform for Dialogue: This includes facilitating inter-church, interreligious, inter-ethnic dialogues, and more.

  • Ensuring the Council Acts as an Early Warning Station for Social Phenomena: By drawing the attention of churches and other social partners to phenomena that must be addressed, we intend to develop the research dimension within the Council. This is what the Secretary-General has been doing since he took office four years ago.

We can summarize these new dimensions as follows:

Networking – Knowledge – Dialogue – Monitoring

The challenges are great and are increasing day by day in light of the decline in life and values that we are witnessing worldwide, the crises plaguing our region, and the insidious threats that may soon infiltrate our lives, threatening our destiny. But those with strong faith say to this mountain to move and it moves.

In conclusion, I quote from the Coptic New Year's prayer and address the Lord, saying:

"You are able to strengthen me, help me, and protect me from all harm that may be caused to my soul and body. Here I surrender everything to manage Your providence, and I believe that You manage everything according to your wisdom and goodness."

In the same context, I say: Lord, bless this institution and bestow Your blessings on it so that it continues to fulfill the role entrusted to it in the service of Your kingdom.

While we highly appreciate the holding of this festive symposium on a day dear to you—which is a sign of your embrace and love—we leave you in the care of the Almighty.


Intervention for the MECC Secretary General Professor Michel Abs, on ME Sat Egyptian TV Channel


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