The MECC EcoJustice Unit and the Church Youth Prepares an Environmental Day in Wadi El Natrun - the First Section of the Anafora Oasis

You can find some photos at the end of the text.

Under the title "Awareness Is One of the Foundations of Education and One of the Pillars of the Church Social Work", the EcoJustice Unit invited the Egyptian Church Youth to an environmental day in Wadi El Natrun in the first section of the Anafora Oasis, which helps a lot of young people to find their devotion in their lives.

In this context, the EcoJustice Unit at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) prepared a lecture on Environmental Theology and a celebration of the beginning of the year in the Eastern Julian tradition with His Eminence Bishop Thomas of Qusiya and Church personalities in Environmental Theology.

At the beginning of the discussion, Archdeacon Garen thanked His Eminence for his attendance at the celebrations of the Season of Creation and his continuous cooperation in the Middle East and the world.

Then, His Eminence gave a lecture about Environmental Theology, highlighting the human calling and how God created everything and gave Man a job to be a master of this creation and take care of it.

Afterwards, he presented a detailed explanation about the youth and their fundamental role to be makers of hope in their society in preserving all creatures and reducing the imbalance in nature that has deteriorated with human intervention negatively and not positively.

Then, he referred to climate change and its effects, as well as the Teaching of the Church through Worship on caring for creation.

After the lecture, oranges were brought into the hall and His Eminence prayed over them and blessed them as the fruit of the year, which is a Jerusalemite and Beirut Armenian tradition of giving oranges at the beginning of the Julian year. He gave instructions on reducing waste and reusing orange peels in the technique of composting and perfumes…

The joy filled the hearts of the attendees, everyone took their oranges and went to their Parishes, cities and villages in the Land of the Pharaohs.


The MECC EcoJustice Unit Holds an Environmental Activity and a Christmas Celebration in the Egyptian Desert. Here Are the Details


The Coordinator of the MECC EcoJustice Unit Archdeacon Garen Meets His Holiness Pope Tawadros II. The Meeting Centered on the Importance of Environmental Theology