The “Light from Aleppo” Event Comes to an End

 The Light Was Lit Again, And A Procession Took Place in the Streets of Aleppo with the Icon of Our Lady of Guidance

The Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs Participates in the Conclusion of the Event and Finishes His Visit to Aleppo

Aleppo, September 6, 2024

“It is more blessed to give than to receive. You have given a lesson in culture and creativity and established a school of light and joy over the course of an entire week. This school will be registered in the records of your giving and love.”

These words summarized the week of “Light from Aleppo,” which lit the light of Aleppo with knowledge, culture, and creativity until it reached a moment of joy with the Mother of Light, the Mother of God. Here, the rebirth of the event began.

Yes, the sun of justice shone in the city of Aleppo with the icon of Our Lady of Guidance from which the faithful people were blessed at the conclusion of the “Light from Aleppo” event. The icon is one of the icons of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary in Al Jdeideh Neighborhood in Aleppo. It was drawn by the Monk John from the Monastery of Kasropotamo from the Cell of Saint Athanasius, on Mount Athos - Greece, dated 1895 AD.

In the details of the event’s conclusion, His Eminence Metropolitan Ephraim Maalouli held the the Paraklesis Prayer with the participation of Priests. The Prayer was decorated with the icon of Our Lady of Guidance.

His Eminence Metropolitan Ephraim Maalouli delivered a speech in which he said:

“At the end of this blessed week, my beloved ones, which we wished it a light for us, at the end of this week we gather together and offer Prayers and supplications to the Virgin Mary, who is in the middle of us with the icon of Our Lady of Guidance who points to her Son Jesus and teaches us that He is the light, the way, the truth, and the life. We chose it from the Museum of Our Lady Church, which dates back 150 years.

Yes, my beloved ones, the success of the Week of Light was achieved thanks to your cooperation, love, and solidarity, and it was a special week with all its milestones. May the flame of Aleppo’s light continue to shine with your bright faces and your tremendous efforts.”

Following the Prayer, a procession was held with the icon, around the Villas Street all the way to the Prophet Elias Cathedral, amidst the sound of music played by the scouts, the brass band, and a large crowd of believers.

During the procession, incense rose and filled the place, and the believers lived a state of great faith and divine love.

In the cathedral square, the sun of justice shone, the sounds of chants, including “Enlighten, O Aleppo,” were loud, as were the sounds of fireworks. As well as, the square was illuminated with the sentence “Light from Aleppo.”

Afterwards, everyone went to the icon of Saint Simeon Stylites, Patron Saint of the Archdiocese, located in the Cathedral square, asking for his intercession, lighting a light from Aleppo in the sky of the city and in all the hearts of the believers.


Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches


The MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs Visits the Monastery of the Franciscan Fathers in Aleppo