Video - Father Dr. Michael Kanbar Talks About the Annual Gathering that Will Be Organized by the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME)
for the Students of Theological Institutes in Lebanon
On Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel
Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), was the guest in an episode within the program “All Nour Maana” (which means “The Lights Is with Us”), broadcasted on Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel, on Thursday 15 February 2024, to talk about the annual gathering that ATIME will organize for the students of Theological Institutes in Lebanon, on Tuesday 20 February 2024, at La Sagesse University, Lebanon.
During the interview, which you can watch in the video, Father Dr. Michael presents an introduction about the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), highlighting its mission and the projects it is implementing in the Middle East region. Father Dr. Michael also talks about the goals of the gathering that ATIME will hold for the Theological students in Lebanon and its program.
An Ecumenical Sports Day Bringing Together Students from the Theological Institutes in Egypt
Organized by the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME)
Hosted by the Coptic Catholic Seminary in Maadi, Headed by Father Bishoy Rasmi
With the aim of building bridges between students of Theological institutes and as part of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), the Association organized a sports day that brought together students from Theological institutes in Egypt, under the title “So that they may be one,” based on the Priestly Prayer of Jesus: “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one” (John 17: 11). This sport day took place on Saturday 25 November 2023, and was hosted by the Coptic Catholic Seminary in Maadi, headed by Father Bishoy Rasmi, Dean of the Seminary.
Participants were His Eminence Anba Michael on behalf of the Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminaries at Bishop Royce, Reverend Dr. Samuel Rozvy Dean of the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Father Dr. Andrew Fahmy Dean of the Coptic Catholic Theological Seminary in Sakakini, Reverend Dr. Sherif Salah from the Evangelical Theological Seminary, and Father Yacobos Anba Bishoy the Spiritual supervisor of the day unit at Bishop Royce. As well as, participants were Dr. Gergis Ibrahim Saleh, Honorory Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Dr. Isaac Ajban, and Dr. Michael Adwar.
Video – Environmental and Theological Researchers and Specialists Explain that the Issue of Creation Is at the Core of Our Faith
Within the “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” Symposium
Between the environment and Theology, researchers and specialists gathered at the “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” Symposium organized by The Middle East Council of Churches, in cooperation with the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME). Its sessions were held on Wednesday 4 October 2023, at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) - Lebanon, following an Ecumenical Prayer Service for the occasion of the “Season of Creation”, and on Thursday 5 October 2023, at the Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Beirut.
During the Symposium, speakers and participants explained that the issue of creation is at the core of our faith. They also stressed the importance of the Church’s role in reducing injustice to the environment. Hence, you will find, in the video, some opinions and aspirations from the Symposium’s participants.
Details about the Ecumenical Prayer Service and the Symposium’s first day
Video – The Importance of Environmental Theology in the “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” Symposium
The “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” Symposium, organized by the Middle East Council of Churches in cooperation with the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), was an important opportunity to shed light on the role of the Church towards the environment, based on the environmental Theology and our Christian faith. This is what the Symposium’s participants focused on. Thus, you can find some of their opinions and experiences in the video.
Noting that the Symposium’s sessions were held on Wednesday 4 October 2023, at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) - Lebanon, following an Ecumenical Prayer Service for the occasion of the “Season of Creation”, and on Thursday 5 October 2023, at the Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Beirut.
Details about the Ecumenical Prayer Service and the Symposium’s first day
Video - Report About the Ecumenical Prayer Service on the Occasion of the “Season of Creation”
And the “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” Symposium
On Télé Lumière and Noursat
On the occasion of the “Season of Creation” 2023 ending, the Middle East Council of Churches organized an Ecumenical Prayer Service under the title “Let Justice and Peace Flow”, on Wednesday 4 October 2023, hosted by the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) – Lebanon, with the participation of Church Leaders from various Ecclesiastical Families.
Stemming from its belief in the importance of preserving God’s creation, working to protect our common home, and enhancing environmental Theological awareness, the Middle East Council of Churches, in cooperation with the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), organized a Symposium entitled “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change”. Its sessions were held on Wednesday 4 October 2023, at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), and on Thursday 5 October 2023, at the Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Beirut.
The video presents a report broadcasted on Télé Lumière and Noursat, which includes a highlight of the Ecumenical Prayer Service and the Opening of the Symposium. The report was prepared by the journalist Lea Adel Maamary.
The Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East
Holds Its General Assembly Meeting Hosted by the Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology - Balamand, Lebanon
With the blessings of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) for the Orthodox Family, the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME) held its General Assembly meeting in its first regular session for the academic year 2023-2024, on Tuesday 3 October 2023, hosted by the Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology - Balamand, Lebanon.
Attendees were the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel Abs, President of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East, and Dean of the Saint John of Damascus Institute at the University of Balamand in Lebanon, Archimandrite Dr. Jack Khalil, and the ATIME’s Executive Secretary Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, alongside Deans of 18 Institutes from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
The Second day of “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” Symposium at USJ - Beirut
Organized by MECC in Cooperation with ATIME
Environmental Lectures Combining Theology and Science
For the second day in a row, the symposium “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change”, continued its sessions at the Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Beirut, at the invitation and organization of the Middle East Council of Churches in cooperation with the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME). It was held in the presence of their Eminences Bishops and Priests, Nuns and Monks, the President of the Saint Joseph University in Beirut Father Professor Salim Daccache, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Professor Michel Abs, alongside Deans, Professors and students from different Institutes of Theology, as well as specialists in the topic of environment and climate, and attendees concerned with the issue of climate and social justice.
The first part of the second day began with a speech delivered by Father Professor Salim Daccache, President of the Saint Joseph University in Beirut, in which he said “Your initiative is truly appreciated amidst the environmental problems that are threatening our world and the countries of our region. You have made a lot of efforts to organize this symposium. I am certain that the solidarity and cooperation of the Middle East Council of Churches and ATIME has led to this achievement that we witness today, which encourage the Church to prepare a policy of initiatives that concern the environment. The environmental issue is not marginal, but rather a responsibility to protect nature and creation."
Video - In an Interview on Télé Lumière and Noursat, Father Dr. Michael Kanbar Sheds Lights on the Symposium
“Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change”
Organized by MECC and ATIME
Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), was the guest of the journalist Roula Zeidan, in an episode of the morning show “Al Nour Maana” (the Light is with Us), on Télé Lumière and Noursat, on Thursday 21 September 2023, which you can watch it in the video.
During the episode, Father Dr. Kanbar highlighted the Symposium which is being organized by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in cooperation with the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), under the title “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change”. It will be held on Wednesday 4 October 2023, at 5:30 pm Beirut time, in the Pope John Paul II Amphitheater at the Holy Spirit University – Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon, and on Thursday 5 October 2023, starting 9 am Beirut time until 5:30 pm Beirut time, at the François Bassil Amphitheater in the Saint Joseph University (USJ) – Beirut.
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II During His Meeting with an ATIME Delegation:
God is the Pantocrator of all, the Bible is a guide for life, the Church is the port of salvation, and the family is an entity and security
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, met with a delegation from the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), on Tuesday 25 July 2023, at the Papal Residence in the Monastery of Saint Anba Bishoy in Wadi El Natrun, Egypt.
The delegation included 47 Deans and students from various Faculties of Theology, headed by Archimandrite Dr. Jack Khalil, ATIME’s President, and Dean of the Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology in Balamand, Lebanon, alongside Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, ATIME’s Executive Secretary, Priest and Professor, Reverend Dr. Bishoy Helmi, Associate Executive Secretary, and Professor at the Seminary’s Faculty, Reverend Dr. Samuel Razfi, Associate Executive Secretary, and Dean of the Evangelical Faculty of Theology, as well as a group of Deans who are members of ATIME.
Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki During His Meeting with an ATIME Delegation:
Supporting the Ecumenical movement is a priority to achieve coexistence and an urgent necessity
90% of the Evangelical Authority's activity is inside Egypt and aim to serve the Egyptians, and we are proud to participate in the Presidential initiatives
Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki, President of the Evangelical Churches in Egypt, the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, met with a delegation including 40 Deans, Religious Leaders and students, who are members of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), on Monday 24 July 2023, in Cairo.
Among the participants in the visit were Archimandrite Dr. Jack Khalil, ATIME’s President, and Dean of the Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology in Balamand, Lebanon, Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, ATIME’s Executive Secretary, Priest and Professor, Reverend Dr. Samuel Razfi, Associate Executive Secretary, and Dean of the Evangelical Faculty of Theology, Dr. Gergis Saleh, Honorary Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches, and Professor at the Evangelical Faculty of Theology, and Father Dr. Bishoy Rasmi, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.
His Beatitude Patriarch Anba Ibrahim Isaac Presides Over the ATIME Conference in Maadi’s Seminary, Egypt
"Respecting the Creation, Glorifying the Creator"
Under the theme "Respecting the Creation, Glorifying the Creator", His Beatitude Patriarch Anba Ibrahim Isaac, Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, and Head of the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Egypt, presided the opening conference of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), on Monday 24 July 2023, at the Seminary's headquarters in Maadi, Egypt. Noting that the conference will continue its sessions until Sunday 30 July 2023.
The opening session, which you can watch in the following video, was held with the participation of their Eminences Bishops from the Catholic Church in Egypt, along with Monsignor Marcel, Counselor of the Vatican Embassy in Egypt, His Eminence Bishop Michael, from the Coptic Orthodox Church, representing the World Council of Churches, Reverend Dr. Refaat Fikry, the MECC Associate Secretary General, representing the Middle East Council of Churches, Father Bishoy Rasmi, Dean of the Seminary College in Maadi, Archimandrite Dr. Jack Khalil, ATIME’s President, and Dean of the Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology, and Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, ATIME’s Executive Secretary, Priest and Professor. Attendees in the session were also directors and members of Theological Colleges and Institutes from various countries of the Middle East.
The Executive Secretary of ATIME Father Dr. Michael Kanbar
Begins His Visits to Theological Institutes in the Region
In order to strengthen communication between the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME) and Theological Institutes in the region, the Executive Secretary of ATIME, Father Dr. Michael Kanbar is holding a series of visits to these educational institutions, according to the internal regulations of the Association, which requires the Executive Secretary to visit the institutes once a year.
Father Dr. Kanbar started its visits from Lebanon. During March 2023, he visited the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand, the Higher Institute of Religious Studies, the Faculty of Religious Sciences at St. Joseph University in Beirut, and the St. Paul Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Harissa. Noting that other visits will be hold next month.
Care for Nature and Creation
A Cultural Gathering for Students of Theological Institutes in Egypt
Organized by ATIME
Under the patronage of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, and in the presence of His Eminence Bishop Michael, General Bishop and Vice Dean of the Theological Seminary in Anba Ruwais, Egypt, the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME) organized a cultural gathering entitled "Care for Nature and Creation". Hence, 150 students from Theological Institutes in Egypt participated in the activity which was held on Friday 3 March 2023, and hosted by the Theological Seminary in Anba Ruwais.
ATIME Organizes an Ecumenical Sports Gathering for the Students of the Theological Institutes in Egypt
As part of building Ecumenical bridges between Theology students from various Church families, the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME) organized an entertaining sports gathering with the participation of more than 200 students studying in Theological Institutes in Egypt. It was held on Saturday 26 November 2022 at the Coptic Catholic Seminary in Maadi, Egypt.
The gathering was characterized by an atmosphere of joy, friendship and love. It aimed to bridge distances between the participants who got to know each other, exchange experiences and opinions about various topics of their interest.
The final statement of the Executive Committee meeting of the Middle East Council of Churches
Beirut, November 29, 2022
The Executive Committee of the Middle East Council of Churches held a face-to-face meeting, for the first time after the end of the Corona pandemic, on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 November 2022 at the Monastery of Notre-Dame du Puits in Bkennaya, Lebanon. The meeting was chaired by His Eminence Anba Anthonios, Metropolitan of Jerusalem and the Near East for the Coptic Orthodox and the President of the MECC for the Eastern Orthodox Family, His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and the President of the MECC for the Orthodox Family, represented by His Eminence Metropolitan Saba Esber, Metropolitan of Busra Houran and Jabal Al-Arab, His Eminence Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of the Federation of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East and President of the MECC for the Evangelical Family, His Beatitude Patriarch Raphael Bedros XXI Minassian, Catholicos of the House of Cilicia for the Armenian Catholics and President of the MECC for the Catholic Family, with the participation of members of the Executive Committee from Lebanon Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Cyprus, representing 21 churches of the Middle East, the Secretary-General of the MECC Dr. Michel Abs, the two Associate General Secretaries Reverend Refaat Fikry and Father Nicolas Bustros, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Theology Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), Reverend Michael Kanbar, in addition to the General Secretariat team of department directors and administrators.
Video - Partners and Friends in Ecumenism and Human Service
Together Building Bridges and Restoring Hope
The Middle East Council of Churches held its annual meeting with representatives of its partner organizations and institutions, in addition to a series of activities it implemented with them, between 2 and 5 November 2022. The video presents the point of views and aspirations of some of the MECC partners participating in the meeting. It is prepared and produced by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department.
Video - Partners in the Ecumenical Journey
MECC Meets with Its International and Regional Partners
The Middle East Council of Churches met with its international and regional partners as part of a series of activities and meetings in Lebanon between 2 and 5 November 2022. What did the meetings include? And what did the attendees discuss? The video presents a brief overview of these meetings, activities, and the most important discussed topics. It is prepared and produced by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department.
MECC on the Second Day of Its Annual Partners Meeting
Towards Continuous Cooperation and a More Sustainable Role in the Region
Under the title “Partners Accompanying MECC in the Ecumenical Journey”, the Middle East Council of Churches’ General Secretariat resumed its annual meeting with the MECC partners from international and regional organizations and institutions, on its second day, Friday 4 November 2022, in Beirut.
Attendees were representatives of these partner organizations and institutions from all over the world such as USA, Canada, Europe and the Middle East… They exchanged views and experiences with the participation of the MECC team and the departments’ directors, headed by the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, along with the MECC Associate Secretaries General, and members of the Executive Committee.
ATIME Holds its General Assembly
Decisions to Strengthen the Ecumenical Spirit
The Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME) held its General Assembly’s meeting online on Tuesday 11 October 2022. Attendees were ATIME’s President Archimandrite Dr. Jack Khalil, its Executive Secretary Father Dr. Michael Kanbar, and the Director of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar, alongside the deans of the faculties and institutes, members in ATIME.
During the meeting, the participants discussed many topics and issues, which are following up on the “Season of Creation” project and ways to enhance and support it, and preparing for the environmental symposium which will be held in May 2023 in coordination with the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department.
Creation and Environmental Theology at A Middle East and North Africa Regional Conference with Father Dr. Michael Kanbar
Aiming at promoting environmental awareness and consolidating the Christian faith and the Ecumenical spirit, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME) Father Dr. Michael Kanbar participated in a regional conference for the Middle East and North Africa, entitled “Creation Care and the Gospel”. He presented a lecture on the topic at hand, highlighting the theological view of creation and the environment. The conference was organized by the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network, and was held between 28 September and 2 October 2022, at the Ajloun Baptist Conference Center in Jordan.