Video - The Middle East Council of Churches Holds an Exclusive Interview About the Recital "Your Birth Is Lighting Our Country" in Bkerke
Details in the program "Dawn from the East"
Under the patronage and presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rai, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, the Youth Pastoral Office and the Pastoral Office for People with Disabilities in the Maronite Patriarchate - Bkerke, organize a recital entitled "Your Birth is Lighting Our Country", on Friday, December 13, 2024, at 8 pm, at the Patriarchal Edifice - Bkerke, Lebanon.
Details of this evening in an interview with Guy Darwich, from the Patriarchal Youth Pastoral Office Bkerke Jeune, as part of the "Dawn from the East" program that will soon be broadcast on the platforms of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), and Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel.
Video - The Child of the Manger
A Meditation of Hope During the Christmas Season - Produced by MECC
Video - Glory to God in the Highest, Who Became Man Like Us
A Meditation of Hope During the Christmas Season - Produced by MECC
The Jubilee Journey of the Middle East Council of Churches
A Special Episode of the Program "Phenomena" on Télé Lumière and Noursat - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 10:30 pm
Watch with us an episode of “Zawaher” ("Phenomena") program on Télé Lumière and its satellite Channel Noursat entitled: "The Jubilee Journey of the Middle East Council of Churches…", with the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Michel E. Abs, and with the Coordinator of the Church and Media Relations and Director of the Platform of the Word at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 10:30 pm, and the replay on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 2:30 pm, Beirut and Eastern Mediterranean time. With the greetings of the editor and presenter of the program "Phenomena" Charbel Zouein *Follow the episode LIVE via the live website on the Internet:
Video - Word of His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios Al Soury on the Occasion of the Launching of the Platform of the Word
His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios Al Soury, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Zahle, Baalbek and their Dependencies, and Member of the Executive Committee of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) delivers a word via video on the occasion of the launching of “The Platform of the Word” at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel. He was interviewed by the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, Director of the Platform, and Coordinator of the Church and Media Relations at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC).
Video - Word of Father Charbel Al Khoury on the Occasion of the Launching of the Platform of the Word
Father Charbel El Khoury, the Parish Priest of Our Lady - Amchit, Lebanon delivers a word via video on the occasion of the launching of “The Platform of the Word” at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel. He was interviewed by the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, Responsible of the Platform, and Coordinator of the Church and Media Relations at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC).
Video - Word of Dr. Jacqueline Ayoub on the Occasion of the Launching of the Platform of the Word
Dr. Jacqueline Ayoub, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Lebanese University, delivers a word via video on the occasion of the launching of “The Platform of the Word” at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel.
Video - A Documented Report About the Activities of the 4th General Assembly of the International ACT Alliance
The video presents a highlight about the Fourth General Assembly of the ACT Alliance International Organization, which was held in Indonesia, as well as an overview about the activities of the ACT Youth Pre Assembly, in addition to interviews with the General Secretary of ACT Alliance Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, and the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Reverend Professor Dr. Jerry Pillay.
Photo: Albin Hillert/ ACT
The Platform of the Word
Word of the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Dr. Michel Abs at the launching of the Media Production Center “The Platform of the Word”, at the Middle East Council of Churches in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel.
He who was in the beginning,
And became flesh,
dwelt among us,
And wrote for us the Book of Love,
He who loved His enemies and blessed those who cursed Him,
And defended Himself with resounding silence,
He Who thanked His executioners and forgave them,
He whose blood flowed and watered the soil of the Holy Mountain,
And with Him began the New Testament,
He who drew for humanity the path of salvation from its sin and hypocrisy,
He is the Word!…
Video – Highlight on the 4th General Assembly of ACT Alliance in Indonesia
This report presents an overview about the activities of the ACT Alliance General Assembly, which was held under the theme “Hope in Action, Together for Justice,” between October 28 and November 1, 2024, in the Yogyakarta region - Indonesia.
Photo: Albin Hillert/ACT
Video - MECC Becomes a Member of the New Governing Board of the Global ACT Alliance
In the presence of ACT Alliance General Secretary Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria and the World Council of Churches General Secretary Reverend Professor Dr. Jerry Pillay, the General Assembly of ACT Alliance elected a new Governing Board. It includes representatives from different regions and continents around the world, among them Eng. Samer Laham, the nominee of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) and Director of its Department of Diakonia and Social Service.
Photo: Albin Hillert/ACT
Video - Climate Justice at the General Assembly of the Global ACT Alliance
The issue of climate justice was the focus of many activities during the activities of the Youth Pre Assembly and the 4th General Assembly of the global ACT Alliance in Indonesia, so what are the details?
This report presents some clarifications!
Photo: Albin Hillert/ACT
Video - ACT Alliance Holds a Youth Pre Assembly
What Are Its Details?
Youth hopes for a better future. In this report, you can find an overview about the Youth Pre Assembly held by the international ACT Alliance in Yogyakarta - Indonesia, in addition to interviews with some of the participants who emphasized the bond of love that unites them.
Photo: Albin Hillert/ACT
Video – A Word from the General Secretary of the International ACT Alliance Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria on the Occasion of the Launching of the Platform of the Word
The General Secretary of the International ACT Alliance Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria delivers a word via video on the occasion of the launching of “The Platform of the Word” at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel.
Video – A Word from the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches Reverend Professor Dr. Jerry Pillay on the Occasion of the Launching of the Platform of the Word
The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches Reverend Professor Dr. Jerry Pillay delivers a word via video on the occasion of the launching of “The Platform of the Word” at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel.
The Word Truly Became Flesh
We meet today for a first gathering at "The Platform of the Word," colleagues and partners in ecumenical work, to celebrate the opening of the platform—a project equipped by Noursat for the Middle East Council of Churches—to advance ecumenical media in the Middle East and worldwide.
It was a blessed moment when Télé Lumière, through the tireless efforts of a struggling ecumenical media professional—our colleague in the Council and a veteran in Télé Lumière—decided to provide the oldest institution in ecumenical work in the region with modern and advanced means to spread the salvific message.
This initiative comes in the fiftieth year since the establishment of the Middle East Council of Churches in 1974, and in the ninety-fifth year since the establishment of the Near East Christian Council in 1929, the foundational nucleus of our Council.
However, this initiative, in addition to the efforts to achieve it by those concerned, did not come from a vacuum. There is a strong bond between Noursat and the Middle East Council of Churches due to decades of interaction, as well as the shared goal of common Christian work—that is, ecumenism.
An astute observer of the work of these two institutions might ask why they are not a single institution, not only because of their goals but also due to the homogeneity in approach and methodology. In this platform, the two institutions have become one in working to raise the lamp high in the dome of the sky, to illuminate the path for humanity.
Full Video of the Opening of the Platform of the Word at the Middle East Council of Churches, in Partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat
You may find the full video of the opening of the Media Production Center “The Platform of the Word,” which was launched by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel, in an official ceremony held on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at the Platform’s headquarters in the offices of the MECC General Secretariat in Beirut.