A Lasting Peace?
Middle East Socio-Economic Overview
Report: November 2024
After a series of intensive diplomatic talks, a ceasefire agreement was reached putting an end to the military conflict in Southern Lebanon. As soon as planes stopped dropping bombs on Lebanese soil, a massive chunk of the displaced started returning back to their homes. Although calm is reestablishing itself within Lebanon, the situation remains to be deplorable in Gaza as violence continues to claim lives. It is as though the occupier’s policies and intentions towards what remains of Palestine are continuing unabated.
Video - The MECC Secretary General Professor Dr. Michel Abs Highlights Via "ME Sat" the MECC Statement
In Light of the Circumstances Taking Place in the North of the Syrian Arab Republic, Especially in the City of Aleppo
The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Dr. Michel Abs was a guest within the “Good Evening” program on the “ME Sat” Egyptian TV Channel to talk about the statement issued by MECC in light of the circumstances taking place in the North of the Syrian Arab Republic, especially in the city of Aleppo.
The MECC Media Urges All Media Outlets to Exercise Accuracy and Caution in Receiving and Publishing News
The churches in the city of Aleppo have confirmed their steadfastness and resilience, continuing to hold prayers and masses as usual and as required.
They also denied the rumors about any demands received from the factions controlling Aleppo, including imposing conditions on dioceses and churches.
This denial of these rumors comes to refute what is being circulated on social media, which causes confusion and instability among civilians.
We urge all media outlets, including social networks, to exercise accuracy and caution in receiving and publishing news, given the sensitivity of the current phase.
Le Département Média du Conseil des Églises du Moyen-Orient (MECC/CEMO) appelle tous les médias à faire preuve de précision et de prudence dans la réception et la diffusion des informations
Les milieux ecclésiastiques de la ville d'Alep ont confirmé leur constance et leur résilience, en continuant à célébrer les prières et les messes comme d'habitude et comme il se doit.
Ils ont également démenti les rumeurs concernant d'éventuelles demandes qui leur auraient été adressées par les factions contrôlant Alep, y compris l'imposition de conditions aux diocèses et aux églises.
Ce démenti de ces rumeurs vient réfuter ce qui est véhiculé par les réseaux sociaux et qui suscite la confusion et l'instabilité parmi les civils.
Nous appelons tous les médias, y compris les réseaux sociaux, à faire preuve de précision et de prudence dans la réception et la diffusion des informations, compte tenu de la sensibilité de la phase actuelle.
Statement Issued by the Middle East Council of Churches
Concerning the Events Occurring in the North of the Syrian Arab Republic
The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) is observing with deep concern the events unfolding in the north of the Syrian Arab Republic, especially in the Aleppo region, as if the Middle East is destined never to find the path to peace or stability, which hinders its progress and development.
The MECC is concerned about the people—their dignity, their security, their safety, the continuity of their normal lives, the provision of their basic needs, and ensuring that they are not exposed to anything that may negatively affect their lives and the future of their generations.
We ask the Lord to grant the people the strength to have patience and to hold on to their land, their homes, and their institutions, to remain in their communities and try to continue their daily lives as much as possible. We also hope that public and private institutions will be allowed to continue their work with whatever capabilities are available to them, out of kindness for the people who watch local developments with concern…
Communiqué émis par le Conseil des Églises du Moyen-Orient
Concernant les événements en cours dans le nord de la République arabe syrienne
Le Conseil des Églises du Moyen-Orient (MECC/CEMO) observe avec une profonde inquiétude les événements qui se déroulent dans le nord de la République arabe syrienne, en particulier dans la région d'Alep, comme si le Moyen-Orient était condamné à ne jamais trouver le chemin vers la paix ou la stabilité, ce qui entrave son progrès et son développement.
Le MECC est concerné par les personnes, leur dignité, leur sécurité, leur bien-être, la continuité de leur vie normale, la satisfaction de leurs besoins essentiels, et s'assure qu'elles ne soient pas exposées à ce qui pourrait avoir un impact négatif sur leur vie et l'avenir de leurs générations.
Nous demandons au Seigneur de donner aux habitants la force de faire preuve de patience, de s'attacher à leur terre, leurs maisons et leurs institutions, de rester dans leurs communautés et de tenter de poursuivre leur vie quotidienne autant que possible. Nous espérons également qu'il sera permis aux institutions publiques et privées de poursuivre leurs activités avec les moyens dont elles disposent, par considération pour les personnes qui regardent avec inquiétude les transformations locales…
Flashes of Light from the Bottom of Darkness
Lessons from the Lebanon War
Professor Dr. Michel Abs
Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)
Lebanon experienced, for a considerable period, a bitter ordeal that led to thousands of casualties, the displacement of a quarter of the Lebanese population, the destruction of more than fifty thousand homes, and an unknown number of businesses. Additionally, some southern villages were erased from the national map, albeit temporarily.
In the midst of this crisis, the Lebanese once again proved that they are a people who love life and deserve it. Their solidarity and social and national unity are stronger than all the violent storms that have battered the nation.
The quarter of the Lebanese population who were displaced—overwhelmingly from a particular religious community — found warm hearts embracing them in the areas to which they fled.
The reception the displaced received, and the care and attention bestowed upon them by the host communities, were exemplary and exceeded all expectations. This was evident during the displaced people's stay in their places of refuge, as expressed by the returnees upon their return to their neighborhoods and villages.
Indeed, we can say more than that. This displacement and embrace, and the approximately two-month stay in host areas, fostered friendships through good treatment. This is also what the displaced expressed upon their return, laying the foundation for tomorrow's Lebanon, where its people interact with one another within the crucible of the nation.
During this displacement, the true image of the Lebanese people, their values, and the eternal bond that ties them to one another became clearly evident — a bond that dates back thousands of years and which no force on earth can break.
Tell Me, O Manger
Video – A Christmas Reflection by the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Dr. Michel Abs
The Middle East Council of Churches Issues the Ecumenical Calendar for December 2024
The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) have now issued its online Ecumenical calendar for the month of December 2024. It includes the Ecclesiastical and Liturgical Feasts of the various Families of Churches in the Middle East. In addition to international days identified by the United Nations, and which are related to the MECC identity and its spiritual and human mission.
CEC Holds Its Governing Board Meeting
The MECC Secretary General Professor Dr. Michel Abs
Calls for Prayer and Solidarity with the Middle East
“Together, we can sustain hope amidst these immense challenges”
At the invitation of the Conference of European Churches (CEC), and in the presence of its President His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Dr. Michel Abs participated, online, at the CEC’s Governing Board meeting held on Friday, November 22, 2024, in Brussels.
For the occasion, the MECC Secretary General Professor Dr. Abs delivered from Beirut a speech in which he highlighted the grave challenges facing the Middle East, calling on the European Churches to support and Pray for the region, on the intention of peace and justice.
Professor Dr. Abas spoke about the difficult circumstances that the region is passing through, especially as it lives under siege and faces political unrest, instability, and insecurity since decades. He pointed out that "the Middle East is witnessing a rise of discrimination and deep political divisions. Economic conditions are deteriorating, forcing many, especially Christians, to emigrate."
Churches in the Mediterranean: Addressing Desertification Through Responsible Banking
A Webinar Organized by WCC, with the Participation of MECC
December 9, 2024, at 3pm Beirut Time
As environmental crises worsen around the world, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is organizing a webinar entitled “Churches in the Mediterranean: Addressing Desertification Through Responsible Banking,” on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 3pm Beirut Time, which you can participate in it by clicking here.
Participants will be speakers from member Churches in the region, experts from the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), the Conference of European Churches (CEC), and All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), as well as Dr. Mercedes Caron, Scientific Researcher at the European Forest Institute.
Accompaniment and Listening Amidst the Difficult Circumstances that Lebanon is Passing Through
MECC Implements Two New Sessions of the “Spiritual and Psychological Support” Program
The Middle East is suffering... a sentence that perfectly describes the situation that the region has been passing through for many years as a result of wars, crises and conflicts. It is a tragic scene in every sense of the word: destruction, displacement, death, and extreme poverty... Hence, the will to live remains the strongest! This is what the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) has sought to affirm since its establishment, especially that the issue of humanity, of every marginalized and suffering person, lies at the core of its priorities.
Therefore, alongside its social services, MECC continues to implement psychological and spiritual support programs to accompany the people of the region in facing the difficulties surrounding them with great hope and deep faith.
In this context, the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department organized two new sessions of the "Spiritual and Psychological Support" program between October and November 2024, specifically implemented for Lebanon due to the difficult conditions it is facing on various levels—security, social, economic, and health. These sessions took place at Saint Jacob Monastery in Karm Saddeh.
The Middle East Council of Churches Congratulates His Beatitude Patriarch Kyrios Kyrios Theophilos III
On the Occasion of His 19th Enthronement Anniversary
On the occasion of the Nineteenth Anniversary of the Enthronement of His Beatitude Patriarch Kyrios Kyrios Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine and Jordan, and Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), the Secretary General Professor Dr. Michel Abs extends, in the name of the family of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), his heartfelt congratulations to His Beatitude, wishing him blessed years of goodness and holiness.
The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) also its Prayers, asking God to grant His Beatitude Patriarch Kyrios Kyrios Theophilos III health and determination in his Pastoral mission as a father and faithful servant of the Church of Christ.
The Crisis of Childhood in the Time of Advent
Professor Dr. Michel Abs
Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)
In a period when humanity prepares to receive the Child of the Incarnation, who will change the face of the world, we must pause to consider the state of children worldwide. Evil is rampant, and various vices are spreading; most affected are the children—the weakest link in society.
The condition of children today is unworthy of an era where the culture of human rights has become widespread, protection systems for all social groups are increasing, and the media records even the smallest events in collaboration with social media networks.
Despite most of the world's countries accepting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the state of childhood is not well. In fact, it is in a deplorable situation that calls for raising global awareness, in addition to enacting new legislation that fulfills this purpose. It is also essential to establish new organizations, in addition to those currently existing, specialized in the various crises that childhood suffers from.
If we were to list the various calamities that afflict childhood, the list would be long, and what remains hidden is even greater.
Children have become the least protected "human commodity" and are most exposed to harm—even from those closest to them. They are subjected to domestic violence, sexual assault, economic exploitation, involvement in wars, drug trafficking, pickpocketing and theft, prostitution, being placed with employers under slavery-like contracts, forced marriage, and other practices carried out by a society immersed in materialism where the values of mercy and compassion for the weak have vanished…