His Holiness Pope Francis: Jesus leads the way to heaven with His Ascension
At the Regina Coeli on Ascension Sunday, His Holiness Pope Francis recalls how on this Feast, Jesus brought our humanity into heaven, opening the way for us to follow so that we might live forever in paradise as children of the Father.
By Vatican News staff writer
His Holiness Pope Francis: Jesus leads the way to heaven with His Ascension
Addressing the crowds gathered in Saint Peter's Square for the Regina Coeli prayer on this Sunday marking the Ascension of the Lord in Italy and many other countries around the world, His Holiness Pope Francis reflected on two key aspects of this feast: why we celebrate Jesus' departure from the earth, and what He does now in heaven.
Humanity in heaven
Remarking how "something new and beautiful happened," His Holiness Pope Francis explained that with the Ascension, Jesus brought our humanity into heaven, as the humanity He assumed on earth "ascended into God" where it remains forever.
“We can say that from the day of the Ascension, God Himself, “changed” – from that point on, He is not only spirit, but such is His love for us that He bears our own flesh in Himself, our humanity!”
The Pope explained that with Jesus who has returned to the Father with our humanity, heaven is already a bit like our own place. Jesus has opened the way for us…
This report was originally published on the Vatican News website. Please click here to read the full text.