The Feast of Saint Spyridon, Bishop of trimithus the wonderworker at the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem
This news is shared from the website of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
On Wednesday, December 12th/25th, 2024, the memory of our Holy Father Spyridon, Bishop of TrImithus the Wonderworker, was celebrated in his holy Monastery, located within the walls of Damascus.
On this feast day, the Church remembers St. Spyridon from Cyprus. He lived during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great and his son Constantius. He was a married priest and the father of a daughter, living as a shepherd of sheep. After the death of his wife, he became a shepherd of rational sheep in his Christian and priestly vocation. He was elected Bishop of Trimithus, a historic city on the island of Cyprus, the first episcopate of St. Lazarus, the friend of our Lord Jesus Christ, during the early Christian years. God granted him the gift of miracles and prophecy through his virtues, holiness, and Christ-like shepherding. As the Church sings in his Apolytikion: “Thou wast a champion of the First Council and a wonderworker, O God-bearing Father Spyridon”. He defended the one essence of the Son with God the Father at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325, “Thou didst speak to one dead in the grave, and change a serpent to gold; and while thou wast chanting the holy prayers the Angels were serving with thee. Glory to Him Who has glorified thee; glory to Him Who has crowned thee; glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all”.
By divine grace, his holy relics remain incorrupt and are kept at the shrine named after him in Corfu, brought from Constantinople after its fall to the Ottomans in 1453, to offer aid, support, and healing to the pilgrims who approach him with reverence…
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This news was originally published on the website of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Please click here to read the full text.