Depresión intencionada
El Líbano se encuentra actualmente en el punto más bajo de su historia. Incluso teniendo en cuenta los 15 años de guerra civil, que causó innumerables muertes y daños económicos y materiales, el país tiene actualmente una de las peores economías del mundo. La explosión de Beirut, que se convirtió en una de las más destructivas del planeta Tierra, dejó claro que algo va realmente mal en el país. En consecuencia, se utilizó entonces el término «depresión intencionada» para describir la situación libanesa: Definitivamente, alguien está haciendo esto a propósito.
Deliberate Depression
Lebanon is currently at its lowest point in history. Even when taking into account the 15-year civil war, which had inflicted countless deaths and economic and material damage, the country currently has one of the worst economies in the world. The Beirut Blast and it becoming one of the most destructive explosions on planet Earth, made it clear that something is really wrong with the country. Consequently, the term “Deliberate Depression” was then used to describe the Lebanese situation: Someone is definitely doing this on purpose.
Paul Naggear: From the Disaster of the Beirut Blast to the Hope of Change
On the 21st June, many families-parents and children- get together to celebrate fathers’ day. This year however, it was different for Paul Naggear; his 3-year old child was killed by the blast of August 4. After losing his child Alexandra, Paul Naggear vowed to stand up to the government at every chance. As such, he joined various demonstrations countless times, protesting against the conduct of a careless and corrupt government.
¿Interferirán las Naciones Unidas en las investigaciones sobre la explosión del puerto de Beirut?
53 grupos de derechos libaneses, regionales e internacionales y particulares, así como 62 supervivientes y familiares de las víctimas y los bomberos, enviaron una carta conjunta a la ONU en la que pedían a la organización que iniciara su propia investigación imparcial. El motivo de este movimiento es la lenta y oscura investigación que no ha encontrado respuesta alguna. En su lugar, meses de burocracia política, obstrucción, evasión y retraso, han asfixiado la investigación; no hay que imaginar las fuerzas que actúan para ocultar lo que realmente ocurrió el 4 de agosto.
Will the United Nations Interfere in the Beirut Port Blast Investigations?
53 Lebanese, regional, and international rights groups and individuals, as well as 62 survivors and families of the victims and firefighters, sent a joint letter to the UN asking the organization to launch its own impartial investigation. The reason behind this move is the slow and obscure investigation that has been finding no answers whatsoever. Instead, months of political red tape, obstruction, evasion, and delay, have suffocated the investigation; there is no imagine the forces at work to hide what really happened on August 4.
¿Va a llegar a algún sitio la investigación sobre la explosión de Beirut?
A lo largo de 10 meses, muchas especulaciones sobre la causa de la explosión se han difundido en las noticias y en los medios de comunicación. Sin embargo, hasta este momento, estas especulaciones siguen sin estar respaldadas por pruebas concretas. Meses de trámites burocráticos e injerencias políticas han paralizado la investigación, lo que ha enfurecido aún más a las familias de las víctimas, a los libaneses en general y a la comunidad internacional.
Is the Beirut Blast Investigation Going Anywhere?
Over the course of 10 months, many speculations about the cause of the blast have spread on news and media platforms. Yet, till this very moment these speculations remain unbacked by concrete evidence. Months of red tape and political interference have stalled investigation thus further enraging the families of the victims, Lebanese in general, and the international community; such a massive explosive needs some form of tangible explanation so that justice can be made.
New Evidence Regarding Beirut Blast
According to Judicial officials, Lebanon received on the 5th of May, a preliminary report from France about the massive explosion that occurred last year in August. The officials said that the French report will benefit the ongoing investigation in Beirut but will not give out details of the report, in compliance with regulations.
10 Months Following the Beirut Blast
His Voice Lives On
Elias El Khoury, the person to the left in the picture, is one of the many who fell victim to the blast of August 4 2020. Abou Chamat, his friend in the same picture, claims that they released two songs on music-streaming service Anghami shortly before the devastating explosion. 10 months after the tracks' release, the platform verified El Khoury’s account during this month.
To Bring Life Back to the Wounded Beirut
Repairing Sursock Museum
In an effort to repair what the August 4 blast damaged, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between Italy and UNESCO to renovate one of Beirut’s most famous museums. The project which is worth €1 million, comes under UNESCO’s Li Beirut initiative, which aims to repair schools, heritage buildings, museums and galleries damaged in the Beirut blast.
Beirut Blast: Accountibility in Progress
According to “The National” news website, a judicial source informed it that fresh charges will be filed over last year’s deadly explosion at Beirut’s port in the coming “weeks”. The source claimed that the investigation will push to the end, despite any redtape or political interference. Many in Lebanon are still aching to know the truth and lament the lack of accountability within the country; Victims have repeatedly told the media over the past nine months that they fear they may never achieve justice.
The Port of Beirut is Relieved of Hazardous Material!
In light of the 4th of August incedent last year, the removal of hazardous material from the port of beirut has become one of the top priorities of the teams on the ground. The ongoing work of such teams allowed the removal of forsaken dangerous materials and transporting them elsewhere to be disposed of.
Beirut Port: A Lane for Drug Trafficking?
On the 23rd of April, Saudi Arabia declared that it has seized large amounts of drugs in a vegetable shipment from Lebanon and consequently, imposed a ban on Lebanese agricultural products. Similarly, Greek authorities announced seizing four tons of cannabis worth €33 million, hidden in dessert-making machinery at Piraeus that was en route from Lebanon to Slovakia.
Judicial Heroism or Another Public Stunt?
Lead investigator Judge Tarek Bitar ordered on 15 April, the release of six people detained in connection to the devastating Beirut Blast. However, the judge rejected the release of 19 other people. This is certainly a sign of our judicial system is working by weeding out those that are deemed innocent from those who are to-be caught.
Revival of Beirut, European-Style
On the 9th of April 2021, two German firms unveiled a reconstruction plan that would turn Beirut port and its surroundings into a major lucrative area, according to European standards. Speaking at a press conference in Beirut, Colliers Germany’s managing director Hermann Schnell stated “affordable housing for families, green space and good infrastructure” is one of the goals of the project.
Middle East Council of Churches Annual Report for the Year 2020
The Middle East Council of Churches General Secretariat issued its annual report for the year 2020, a year in review burdened by challenges and obstacles in the world in general, and the Middle East in particular. The East witnessed a never-ending cycle of crises for decades now.
La explosión del 4 de agosto en Beirut: Asistencia condicionada
Actualmente, Francia y Alemania lideran los esfuerzos para reparar los daños causados por la explosión del puerto. Francia está aportando €500,000 euros para restaurar los vitrales y el histórico primer piso del Museo Sursock de Beirut.
Por su parte, Alemania tiene previsto presentar una propuesta en la que detallará sus posibles esfuerzos de reconstrucción.
The August 4 Beirut Blast: Conditional Assistance
Currently, France and Germany are leading efforts to repair the damage caused by the port blast. France is contributing €500,000 to restore the vibrant stained-glass windows and historic first floor of Beirut’s Sursock Museum. As for Germany, it plans to submit a proposal detailing its prospective reconstruction efforts. However, Germany’s assistance will only come at a price Lebanese politician cannot afford: the formation of a government with a clear anti-corruption agenda.
Ongoing Investigation
In another new update that might make your day a little better, the newly commissioned judge is now investigating the United Kingdom-registered company Savaro Ltd; the entity that bought 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, which blew up at Beirut ‘s Port. According to Al-Jadeed, Judge Tarek Bitar is submitting a request for Switzerland, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, and Germany to lift banking secrecy from the company’s accounts.
Lebanon Makes the International News, Again
Several months after the Beirut blast, researchers from India's National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, and Hokkaido University in Japan made an astounding discovery. It turns out that the electrical disturbances that resulted from the blast was comparable to the impact of many volcanic eruptions.